Machig Labdron an Australian Buddhist Nunnery
$1.25 million of $1.38 million raised

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About the Nunnery

At the Great Stupa Bendigo Australia

Machig Labdron is an Australian Buddhist nunnery located north of the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, in Bendigo. The nunnery compliments Atisha Centre and Thubten Shedrub Ling monastery with all four entities on the same land. The main teacher for Atisha’s excellent Buddhist program is Geshe Rabten, a Lharam Geshe, the highest qualification of teacher, from Sera Je monastery, India. 

The secular and Buddhist program depends heavily on the nuns and monks as teachers, retreat and meditation leaders and for spiritual care. Currently the nunnery is a cluster of bedsit cabins that provide a temporary base, while the nuns pursue plans to build nearby. The site is peaceful with long views into iron bark bushland full of native birds, animals and flowering plants. The location provides a perfect place for study and contemplation.



About Us

Our nunnery was named by Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche, after the 11th century Tibetan emanation of Prajnaparamita, the Mother of all Buddhas. Machig Labdron was an adept and outstanding teacher, a mother, and a founder of the unique Mahamudra Chöd tradition. Mahamuda Chöd is found the Mahayana Buddhist tradition we follow.

FPMT Founder, Lama Yeshe


FPMT sangha members have fostered Buddhist centers globally, including hospices and monastic communities. In Australia, starting with the Chenrezig Institute, the community has grown to 21 centers. Bendigo’s donated land now hosts Atisha Centre, the Great Stupa, and Machig Labdron Nunnery, nurturing diverse spiritual activities.


Building Project

After a lengthy planning stage, building is now underway. This project will assist the nuns to best uphold the Buddhist teachings, monastic tradition, and the wider community in many ways. As Lord Shakyamuni Buddha has said “Wherever there is sangha, there the dharma will flourish”


Donate Today!

Your support helps us complete the nunnery building project, essential for our efforts preserving the Buddhist tradition take root and flourish. All donations go directly to help complete our nunnery building project.

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